All products are made by hand, diligently and with love!

You can also pick up the products at my address (see contact) after telephone agreement. If you order from Germany, please contact the local office, see links.

New concentrates! With these concentrates, the powder mixture has already been incorporated into the concentrate. This makes it much easier to mix the soap and the properties of the giant bubbles have also been improved!

The soapy water can be used immediately, better results can be achieved during the next 24 hours.

Please prepare the concentrate all at once! Bottles, stored cool and dark, will keep for several months (see instructions)!

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E3) Buch: Zauberhafte Tricks mit Seifenblasen

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Zauberhaftes Buch von Susanne Rennert ( mit vielen Tricks für kleine Seifenbalsen. Bilder von Sven Leberer.
16 Seiten in Farbe, A6.

Rückseite: Seifenblasen sind wunderbar! Sie schweben durch die Luft und schimmern in den schönsten Farben. Dieses Buch verrät dir viele tolle Tricks. Deine Freunde werden staunen! Viel Spaß!

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